Thank you so much for your interest in advertising in the Observer/Enterprise, a weekly newspaper which covers Coke County, Texas. Major communities in the county are Bronte and Robert Lee, with coverage also in the smaller communities of Silver, Tennyson, Norton, Blackwell, and Water Valley. Currently, a total of 1,800 issues are printed each week, with a total circulation of approximately 1,500.
Insertion rates are $250.00 minimum, depending upon the size of the insert. Oversized inserts (those which require additional folding to achieve a maximum size of not more than 8 1/2 X 11 inches), or those over 12 pages, will receive an additional charge of $25.00.
Open and national display advertising rate is $6.00 per column/inch, net. Advertising agencies should add the appropriate percentage to the stated net rate to arrive at the proper agency commissionable rate.
Classified display advertising rate is $9.00 per column/inch, net. Classified advertising rate is $7.50 minimum, with a maximum of fifteen (15) words. Additional words are charged at a rate of 35 cents per word. Tearsheets are available at a cost of $1.00 per issue. Legal notices will be charged at 50 cents per word with no discount for subsequent insertions.
One column - 1.83"
Two columns - 3.9"
Three columns - 5.9"
Four columns - 7.9"
Five columns - 9.9"
Information for constructing your advertisement may be emailed to
o-e@wcc.net. Any photos need to be sent as a jpeg attachment. If your advertisement is already constructed, please send it as a pdf attachment.
Ad Deadline:
Mondays at 5 pm